Umlobi: Bobbie Johnson
Usuku Lokudalwa: 10 Epreli 2021
Ukuvuselela Usuku: 25 Hamba 2025
Is SALT BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reviews The TRUTH)
Ividiyo: Is SALT BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reviews The TRUTH)



1 1/2 inkomishi ye-All-Bran cereal exutshwe ne-1/2 indebe Isamba secereal futhi sigcwaliswe ngo-1/2 wenkomishi yobisi olungenayo amafutha kanye ne-1/2 indebe yama-strawberries asikiwe

1 ucezu lwesinkwa esigcwele okusanhlamvu ngamathisipuni ama-2 we-peanut butter

I-Nutrition Score: ama-calories angama-352, ama-15% amafutha (6 g; 1 g agcwele), ama-carb angama-68% (60 g), amaprotheni ayi-17% (15 g), i-17 g fiber, i-531 mg calcium, i-18 mg yensimbi, i-631 mg sodium.

2 Ama-waffles ama-2 okusanhlamvu afriziwe anesipuni esingu-1 se-maple syrup

1 lisikiwe upopo

Amaphuzu okudla okunomsoco: Amakholori angama-455, ama-10% amafutha (5 g; 1 g agcwele), ama-carbs angama-84% (96 g), amaprotheni ayi-6% (7 g), 13 g fiber, 139 mg calcium, 1 mg iron, 421 mg sodium.

3 I-Apricot-Cinnamon Oatmeal: Hlanganisa esitsheni esiphephile se-microwave 3/4 inkomishi i-oatmeal engaphekiwe, izinkomishi eziyi-1/2 ubisi lwe-nonfat, i-apricot eli-1 elifakiwe nelidayisiwe, kanye ne-1/2 isipuni sesinamoni; i-microwave ngamandla amaminithi angu-2, kuze kube yilapho uketshezi lumuncwa.

1 inkomishi cantaloupe enezinhlamvu eziyisithupha

Amaphuzu okudla: ama-calories angama-437, ama-10% amafutha (5 g; 1 g agcwele), ama-carb angama-68% (74 g), amaprotheni angama-22% (24 g), i-9 g fiber, i-521 mg calcium, i-4 mg yensimbi, i-207 mg sodium.


1 I-Hummus Sandwich: Hlanganisa ku-blender 15-ounce can garbanzo ubhontshisi (okhishiwe), ingxenye ye-15-ounce ingaba ubhontshisi omhlophe (idonswe futhi ihlanjululwe ukuze isuse usawoti), izipuni ezimbili ze-tahini, i-clove yegalikhi engu-1, i-1/4 indebe yamanzi kanye Isipuni esingu-1ijusi kalamula omusha; Hlanza kuze kube bushelelezi. Spread 1/4 indebe yenhlanganisela kucezu olu-1 lwesinkwa esisanhlamvu; phezulu ngezingcezu zikatamatisi ezi-2, amaqabunga e-lettuce abomvu kanye nocezu lwesibili lwesinkwa (gcina i-hummus esele esitsheni esivaliwe esiqandisini).

1/3 inkomishi ye-soya ebilisiwe (edamame), igobolondo futhi ifakwe 1/4 ithisipuni kasawoti

2 amawolintshi e-mandarin noma iwolintshi eli-1

Amaphuzu okudla: ama-calories angu-513, ama-21% amafutha (12 g; 2 g agcwele), ama-carb angama-55% (71 g), ama-24% amaprotheni (31 g), i-18 g fiber, i-387 mg calcium, i-10 mg yensimbi, i-932 mg sodium.

2 Isaladi le-Pinto Bean Ne-Tuna: Hlanganisa esitsheni ama-15-ounce kungabhontshisa ubhontshisi (kuhlanjululwe futhi kukhishwe),

I-8-ounce ingasika ubhontshisi obuluhlaza (ihlanjululwe futhi ikhishwe), i-6-ounce can tuna (idonswe), izipuni ezimbili ze-pepper ebomvu ethosiwe (kusuka embizeni engu-7-ounce), isipuni esingu-1 sewayini elibomvu-uviniga, nosawoti kanye nopelepele omnyama ukunambitha. . Hlukanisa phakathi; gcina ingxenye yolunye usuku.

Ama-Chips Corn Baked Ne-Guacamole: Sika i-tortilla yommbila engu-1 ibe ama-wedges amane bese uhambisa ama-wedge ebhodini lokubhaka; bhaka ku-400 ° F imizuzu engu-5, kuze kube yilapho ikhilimu negolide; beka eceleni. Hlanganisa i-blender noma iprosesa yokudla i-avocado ehlutshiwe ne-pitted 1, uhhafu we-15-ounce kungaba nobhontshisi omhlophe (ukhishwe), isipuni esingu-1 esinejusi likalamula no-garlic 1 we-clove. I-purée ize icishe ibe bushelelezi; gxuma ku-isipuni esingu-1 i-cilantro entsha eqoshiwe; inkathi ukunambitha ngosawoti kanye pepper. Khonza inkomishi engu-1/4 ye-guacamole nama-chips bese ugcine 3/4 indebe ye-guacamole esele ye-King Mackerel noma i-Trout Enchilada brown-bag isidlo sasemini ekhasini 164 (gcina esitsheni esivaliwe esiqandisini).

Isilinganiso Somsoco: ama-calories angu-469, amafutha angu-25% (13 g; 3 g agcwele), 45% ama-carbs (53 g), amaprotheni angu-30% (35 g), i-fibre engu-17 g, i-calcium engu-185 mg, i-iron 7 mg, i-sodium engu-89 mg.

3 I-Vegetarian Turkey Sandwich: Isilayidi esiphezulu esingu-1 sesinkwa esigcwele okusanhlamvu nesipuni 1 soju lwesinaphi noma isinaphi se-Dijon, ama-ounces ama-2 turkey turkey, izingcezu zekhukhamba ezi-3, iqabunga elibomvu eli-1 lettuce nocezu lwesinkwa sesibili.

Isitsha se-8-ounce isobho se-lowfat (noma yikuphi ukunambitheka)

1 i-kiwi eqoshiwe

Isilinganiso Somsoco: 462 kilojoule, 8% amafutha (4 g; 2 g agcwele), 67% carbs (77 g), 25% amaprotheni (29 g), 9 g fiber, 623 mg calcium, 2 mg iron, 748 mg sodium.


1 UKasha nePasta ene-Lemon Pesto (bona iresiphi ehlobene)

1 inkomishi yengane yamaqabunga esipinashi ifakwe 2 izingcezu zikatamatisi kanye nesipuni esingu-1 semvunulo yase-Italy engenamafutha

Isilinganiso Somsoco: ama-calories angu-467, amafutha angu-30% (16 g; 3 g agcwele), 56% ama-carbs (65 g), amaprotheni angu-14% (16 g), ama-fibre angu-8 g, i-calcium engu-160 mg, i-iron 4 mg, i-775 mg ye-sodium.

2 I-Salmon Eboshwe Nge-Quinoa ne-Swiss Chard (bona iresiphi ehlobene)

I-squash Acorn squash: Hhafu u-squash u-1 bese ususa imbewu; faka ithisipuni elilodwa lamafutha omnqumo engxenyeni ngayinye bese uhlikihla ukuze ugqoke; inkathi ngaphakathi ngosawoti kanye nopelepele; beka ama-halves, usike uhlangothi phezulu, esitsheni esiphephile se-microwave bese umboza nge-plastic wrap; i-microwave ngamandla amaminithi angu-5, kuze kube yilapho ithenda; ake ume imizuzu emi-5 ngaphambi kokuphakela. Bekisa eyodwa yengxenye yesidlo sasemini sakusasa.

Amaphuzu okudla: ama-calories angama-461, ama-25% amafutha (13 g; 2 g agcwele), ama-carbs angama-49% (56 g), ama-26% amaprotheni (30 g), i-12 g fiber, i-152 mg calcium, i-3 mg yensimbi, i-256 mg sodium.

3 I-King Mackerel noma i-Trout Enchiladas (bheka iresiphi ehlobene)

Irayisi le-Cumin: Hlanganisa esitsheni esiphephile se-microwave 1/2 inkomishi epheka irayisi ensundu esheshayo, amanzi ayi-1/2 enkomishi kanye ne-1/2 isipuni umhlabathi ikhumini. Mboza ngepulasitiki nangemayikhroweyiphu emizuzwini emihlanu ephezulu; masime imizuzu emi-5; fluff ngemfoloko.

1 inkomishi eshubile i-brocaboli raab noma i-broccoli florets

Amaphuzu okondla: ama-calories angama-645, ama-31% wamafutha (22 g; 5 g agcwele), ama-44% ama-carbs (71.5 g), ama-25% amaprotheni (40 g), i-20 g fiber, i-231 mg calcium, i-3 mg yensimbi, i-1,958 mg sodium.


1 7 Ama-Triscuits anamafutha ancishisiwe anama-ounces ama-2 ushizi wesoyisi, izaqathe zezingane eziyi-10

Amaphuzu okondla: ama-232 calories, ama-12% amafutha (3 g; 0.5 g agcwele), 57% carbs (33 g), 31% protein (18 g), 5 g fiber, 437 mg calcium, 3 mg iron, 679 mg sodium.

2 Isitsha se-ounce esingu-6-ounce yogurt, ama-alimondi ama-ounce ama-blanched

Isilinganiso Somsoco: ama-calories angu-299, amafutha angu-39% (13 g; 1 g agcwele), 46% ama-carbs (34.5 g), amaprotheni angu-15% (11 g), ama-fibre angu-6 g, i-calcium engu-100 mg, i-iron 3 mg, i-sodium engu-40 mg.

3 1/2 indebe i-lowfat vanilla ice cream noma i-yogurt efriziwe, 1 inkomishi yamagilebhisi abomvu

Isilinganiso Somsoco: 273 kilojoule, 10% amafutha (3 g; 2 g agcwele), 77% carbs (52.5 g), 13% amaprotheni (9 g), 2 g fiber, 251 mg calcium, 1 mg iron, 60 mg sodium.

Buyekeza kwe-


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