- Ngaphambi kokuthatha i-dextromethorphan,
- I-Dextromethorphan ingadala imiphumela emibi. Tshela udokotela wakho uma kukhona kulezi zimpawu ezinzima noma ezingapheli:
- Uma uhlangabezana nalezi zimpawu ezilandelayo, shayela udokotela wakho ngokushesha:
- Izimpawu zokudlula ngokweqile zingafaka:
I-Dextromethorphan isetshenziselwa ukukhipha isikhwehlela okwesikhashana okubangelwa umkhuhlane ovamile, umkhuhlane noma ezinye izimo. I-Dextromethorphan izokhipha ukukhwehlela kepha ngeke ilungise imbangela yokukhwehlela noma ukululama okusheshayo. UDextromethorphan usekilasini lemithi ebizwa ngama-antitussives. Isebenza ngokunciphisa umsebenzi engxenyeni yobuchopho obangela ukukhwehlela.
I-Dextromethorphan iza njengephilisi eligcwele uketshezi, ithebhulethi ehlafunwayo, isiqeshana esincibilikayo, isisombululo (uketshezi), ukumiswa okukhishwe isikhathi eside (ukusebenza okude) (uketshezi), kanye nethala elizothathwa ngomlomo. Imvamisa kuthathwa njalo emahoreni ama-4 kuye kwayi-12 njengoba kudingeka. Landela izinkomba ezisephakeji noma kwelebula kadokotela ngokucophelela, bese ubuza udokotela noma usokhemisi wakho ukuthi akuchaze nganoma iyiphi ingxenye ongayiqondi.
I-Dextromethorphan kufanele isetshenziswe kuphela ngokuya ngezinkomba zelebula noma zephakeji. Ungathathi ngaphezu kwenani elinconyiwe le-dextromethorphan esikhathini samahora angama-24. Bheka iphakethe noma ilebula kadokotela ukunquma inani eliqukethwe umthamo ngamunye. Ukuthatha i-dextromethorphan ngamanani amakhulu kungadala imiphumela emibi noma ukufa.
I-Dextromethorphan iza yodwa futhi ihlangene nama-antihistamine, ukucindezela ukukhwehlela, kanye nama-decongestants. Buza udokotela wakho noma usokhemisi iseluleko sokuthi yimuphi umkhiqizo olungele izimpawu zakho. Hlola ngokukhwehlela okungabhaliswanga kanye namalebula womkhiqizo obandayo ngaphambi kokusebenzisa imikhiqizo emi-2 noma ngaphezulu ngasikhathi sinye. Le mikhiqizo ingaqukatha isithako noma izithako ezisebenzayo ezifanayo futhi ukuzihlanganisa kungadala ukuthi uthole ukweqisa okweqile. Lokhu kubaluleke kakhulu uma uzonikeza ingane amakhwehlela nemithi ebandayo.
Ukukhwehlela okungabhalwanga kanye nemikhiqizo yenhlanganisela ebandayo, kufaka phakathi imikhiqizo equkethe i-dextromethorphan, ingadala imiphumela emibi noma ukufa ezinganeni ezincane. Ungayiniki le mikhiqizo ezinganeni ezingaphansi kweminyaka engu-4 ubudala. Uma unika le mikhiqizo ezinganeni ezineminyaka engu-4-11 ubudala, qaphela bese ulandela izinkomba zephakeji ngokucophelela.
Uma ngabe unikeza i-dextromethorphan noma umkhiqizo wenhlanganisela oqukethe i-dextromethorphan enganeni, funda ilebula lephakeji ngokucophelela ukuze uqiniseke ukuthi ngumkhiqizo ofanele wengane yaleyo minyaka. Unganikeli ngemikhiqizo ye-dextromethorphan eyenzelwe abantu abadala ezinganeni.
Ngaphambi kokuthi unikeze ingane umkhiqizo we-dextromethorphan, hlola ilebula lephakeji ukuthola ukuthi ingane kufanele ithole imishanguzo engakanani. Nikeza umthamo ofana nobudala bengane eshadini. Buza udokotela wengane uma ungazi ukuthi unganikeza umuthi ongakanani ingane.
Uma uthatha uketshezi, ungasebenzisi isipuni sasekhaya ukukala umthamo wakho. Sebenzisa isipuni sokulinganisa noma inkomishi eze nomuthi noma usebenzise isipuni esenzelwe ngokukhethekile ukukala imithi.
Uma usebenzisa iziqeshana ezincibilikayo, zibeke olimini lwakho bese ugwinya ngemuva kokuncibilika.
Uma uphuza amaphilisi angahlafunwayo ungavumela ukuthi ancibilike emlonyeni wakho noma ungawahlafuna ngaphambi kokugwinya.
Uma uthatha ukumiswa kokukhishwa okunwetshiwe, yinyakazise kahle ibhodlela ngaphambi kokusetshenziswa ngakunye ukuxuba umuthi ngokulinganayo.
Uma uthatha ama-lozenges, vumela ukuthi ancibilike kancane emlonyeni wakho.
Yeka ukuthatha i-dextromethorphan bese ushayela udokotela wakho uma ukukhwehlela kwakho kungabi ngcono ezinsukwini ezingu-7, uma ukukhwehlela kwakho kuhamba futhi kubuya, noma uma ukukhwehlela kwakho kwenzeka ngomkhuhlane, ukuqhuma noma ikhanda.
Lo muthi kwesinye isikhathi ubekelwa okunye ukusetshenziswa; buza udokotela wakho noma usokhemisi ukuthola eminye imininingwane.
Ngaphambi kokuthatha i-dextromethorphan,
- Tshela udokotela wakho kanye nosokhemisi uma unegciwane ku-dextromethorphan, noma imuphi omunye umuthi, noma izithako zomkhiqizo ohlela ukuwuthatha. Bheka ilebula lephakheji ukuthola uhlu lwezithako.
- ungathathi i-dextromethorphan uma uthatha i-monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor efana ne-isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), selegiline (Eldepryl, Emsam, Zelapar), ne-tranylcypromine (i-Parnate), noma uma uyekile ukuthatha i-MAO inhibitor emasontweni amabili edlule.
- Tshela udokotela wakho kanye nosokhemisi ukuthi imiphi imishanguzo kadokotela neyokungabhalisi, amavithamini, izithako zokudla okunempilo, nemikhiqizo yamakhambi oyithathayo noma ohlela ukuyithatha.
- Tshela udokotela wakho uma ubhema, uma ukhwehlela okwenzeka nenqwaba ye-phlegm (mucus), noma uma uke waba nezinkinga zokuphefumula njenge-asthma, emphysema, noma i-bronchitis engamahlalakhona.
- tshela udokotela wakho uma ukhulelwe, hlela ukukhulelwa, noma uncelisa. Uma ukhulelwa ngenkathi uthatha i-dextromethorphan, shayela udokotela wakho.
- uma une-phenylketonuria (i-PKU, isimo esizuzwe njengefa lapho kufanele kudliwe ukudla okhethekile ukuvimbela ukubola kwengqondo), kufanele wazi ukuthi eminye imikhiqizo yamathebulethi angahlafunwa aqukethe i-dextromethorphan ingahle ibe mnandi nge-aspartame, umthombo we-phenylalanine.
Ngaphandle kokuthi udokotela wakho akutshele ngenye indlela, qhubeka nokudla okuvamile.
I-Dextromethorphan ivame ukuthathwa njengoba kudingeka. Uma udokotela wakho ekutshele ukuthi uthathe i-dextromethorphan njalo, thatha isilinganiso esilahlekile lapho usikhumbula. Kodwa-ke, uma sekuyisikhathi somthamo olandelayo, weqa umthamo ongabanjwanga bese uqhubeka neshejuli yakho ejwayelekile yokulinganisa. Ungathathi umthamo ophindwe kabili ukwenza okulahlekile.
I-Dextromethorphan ingadala imiphumela emibi. Tshela udokotela wakho uma kukhona kulezi zimpawu ezinzima noma ezingapheli:
- isiyezi
- ubumhlophe
- ukozela
- uvalo
- ukungahlaliseki
- isicanucanu
- ukuhlanza
- ubuhlungu besisu
Uma uhlangabezana nalezi zimpawu ezilandelayo, shayela udokotela wakho ngokushesha:
- ukuqubuka
I-Dextromethorphan ingadala eminye imiphumela emibi. Shayela udokotela wakho uma uhlangabezana nezinkinga ezingavamile ngenkathi uthatha lo muthi.
Uma uthola imiphumela emibi kakhulu, wena noma udokotela wakho ungathumela umbiko kuhlelo lwe-Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting online (http://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch) noma ngocingo ( 1-800-332-1088).
Gcina le mithi esitsheni efike ngayo, ivalwe ngokuqinile, futhi lapho izingane zingafinyeleleki khona. Gcina ekamelweni lokushisa futhi kude nokushisa okweqile nomswakama (hhayi endlini yangasese).
Imithi engadingeki kufanele ilahlwe ngezindlela ezikhethekile zokuqinisekisa ukuthi izilwane ezifuywayo, izingane nabanye abantu abakwazi ukuzidla. Kodwa-ke, akufanele ukhiphe le mithi ethoyilethi. Esikhundleni salokho, indlela engcono kakhulu yokulahla imithi yakho ngohlelo lokubuyisa umuthi. Khuluma nosokhemisi wakho noma uthinte umnyango wangakini wokulahla udoti / wokusebenzisa kabusha ukuze ufunde ngezinhlelo zokubuyisa emphakathini wakho. Bheka iwebhusayithi yakwa-FDA's Safe Disposal of Medicines (http://goo.gl/c4Rm4p) ukuthola eminye imininingwane uma ungakwazi ukufinyelela kuhlelo lokubuyisa.
Kubalulekile ukugcina yonke imishanguzo ingabonakali futhi ifinyeleleke ezinganeni njengoba iziqukathi eziningi (njengezingqondo zamaphilisi zamasonto onke kanye nalawo amaconsi wamehlo, okhilimu, amabala, kanye nama-inhalers) azimeleki ezinganeni futhi izingane ezincane zingazivula kalula. Ukuvikela izingane ezisencane ekufakeni ubuthi, hlala uvala amakepisi okuphepha bese ubeka umuthi endaweni ephephile - eyodwa ephezulu futhi engekho futhi engabonakali kubo futhi efinyelela kuyo. http://www.upandaway.org
Uma kwenzeka ukweqisa ngokweqile, shayela ucingo losizo lokulawula ubuthi ku-1-800-222-1222. Imininingwane iyatholakala online ku-https: //www.poisonhelp.org/help. Uma isisulu siwile, saba nokuquleka, sinenkinga yokuphefumula, noma singakwazi ukuvuswa, shayela ngokushesha abezimo eziphuthumayo ku-911.
Izimpawu zokudlula ngokweqile zingafaka:
- isicanucanu
- ukuhlanza
- ukozela
- isiyezi
- ukungazinzi
- izinguquko embonweni
- ukuphefumula kanzima
- ukushaya kwenhliziyo okusheshayo
- ukubona izinto ezingekho (ukubona izinto noma ukuzwa amazwi angekho)
- isithuthwane
- ikhoma (ukulahlekelwa ukwazi isikhathi esithile)
Buza usokhemisi wakho noma imiphi imibuzo onayo mayelana ne-dextromethorphan.
Kubalulekile ukuthi ugcine uhlu olubhaliwe lwayo yonke imishanguzo oyisebenzisayo kadokotela kanye nokungabhaliswanga (ngaphezulu kokuthenga), kanye nanoma yimiphi imikhiqizo efana namavithamini, amaminerali, noma ezinye izithako zokudla. Kufanele uze nalolu hlu njalo uma uvakashela udokotela noma uma ungeniswa esibhedlela. Kubaluleke kakhulu futhi nemininingwane ebalulekile ukuthi uphathe uma kwenzeka kunezimo eziphuthumayo.
- Babee Cof®¶
- Benylin®
- Izingane Robitussin Khwehlela Long-Acting®
- I-Dexalone®¶
- Isifo sikashukela®¶
- I-Pertussin ES®¶
- IScot-Tussin Isifo Sikashukela CF®
- I-Silphen DM®
- IVicks DayQuil Khwehlela®
- IVicks Formula 44 Isiko Khokha Lokunakekelwa Ngokwezifiso®
- Zicam Khwehlela MAX®
- I-AccuHist DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin, i-Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-AccuHist PDX® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-Alahist DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-Albatussin NN® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate, Pyrilamine)§
- I-Aldex DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
- I-Aldex GS DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)
- I-Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Khwehlela Formula® (equkethe i-Aspirin, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- Amafomula abandayo e-Alka-Seltzer Plus Day and Night® (equkethe i-Aspirin, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-Alka-Seltzer Plus Day Non-Drowsy Cold Formula® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-Alka-Seltzer Plus Flu Formula® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-Alka-Seltzer Plus Mucus kanye nokuminyana® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- I-Alka-Seltzer Plus Night Cold Formula® (equkethe i-Aspirin, Dextromethorphan, Doxylamine, Phenylephrine)
- I-Allanhist PDX® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin, i-Phenylephrine)¶
- I-Allfen DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- I-Ambifed DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Amerituss AD® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)¶
- I-Aquatab C.® (equkethe iCarbetapentane, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Aquatab DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- I-Balacall DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)¶
- I-Biodec DM® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, iPseudoephedrine)§
- Biotuss® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- I-BP 8® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- BPM PE DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)§
- Bromdex® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Bromfed DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Pseudoephedrine)
- I-Bromhist DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin, i-Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-PDX yaseBromhist® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin, i-Phenylephrine)§
- I-Bromphenex DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Pseudoephedrine)
- I-Bromtuss DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)§
- Broncopectol® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- Ama-Bronkids® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- UBrontuss® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- UBrontuss DX® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- UBrontuss SF® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- Ukukhwehlela nokubanda kweBrotapp PE-DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-Brotapp-DM Cold neKhwehlela® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Pseudoephedrine)
- IBrovex PEB DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- IBrovex PSB DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Pseudoephedrine)
- C Phen DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Carbofed DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Pseudoephedrine)§
- ICardec DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
- Isikhungo DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- ICeron DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- ICerose DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)¶
- UCheracol D.® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)¶
- I-Dimetapp Cold and Khwehlela Yezingane® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- Izingane zeDimetapp Long Acting Cough Plus Cold® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
- I-Dimetapp Multisymptom Cold neFlu Yezingane® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- Umkhuhlane Wezingane® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- I-Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold Yezingane® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- I-Mucinex Stuffy Ekhaleni Lokubanda kanye neCold® (equkethe iGuaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- Izingane zeRobitussin Cough neCold CF® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- Izingane zeRobitussin Cough neCold CF® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- Izingane zeRobitussin Cough neCold Long-Acting® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
- Izingane ezihlanjululwe yi-PE Cold ne-Cough® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, iPhenylephrine)
- I-Chlordex GP® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- Isiraphu yeCodal-DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)¶
- I-Codimal DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)¶
- I-Coldmist DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Comtrex Cold and Khwehlela Usuku / Ubusuku® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- ICometrex Cold neKhwehlela Okungekho Ukozela® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- ICorfen DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
- ICoronidin HBP Isifuba Esiminyene kanye Nakhohlela® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- I-Coricidin HBP Ukukhwehlela nokubanda® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
- IColdidin HBP Emini Nasebusuku Izimpawu Eziningi Ezibandayo® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin)
- Umkhuhlane weCorididin HBP Maximum Strength® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan)
- IColdidin HBP Ebusuku Izimpawu Eziningi Ezibandayo® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Doxylamine)
- Coryza DM® (iqukethe iDexchlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine, i-Pyrilamine)§
- I-Despec NR® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- Isifo Sikashukela Tussin DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- I-Dimaphen DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)¶
- IDimetane DX® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Pseudoephedrine)
- I-Donatussin DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
- UDktuss DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- Isikhwehle seDrix / Umqala Obuhlungu® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan)¶
- I-Duratuss DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)¶
- I-Duravent-DPB® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)§
- UDynatuss EX® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- Endacon DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- Ukwenza® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- I-ExeFen DMX® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)
- UFenesin DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- IGanituss DM NR® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- UGenetuss 2® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- Giltuss® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Guaidex TR® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Methscopolamine, Pseudoephedrine)§
- IGuiadrine DX® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- IGuiatuss DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- IHalotussin DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)¶
- I-Histadec DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)¶
- I-HT-Tuss DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- I-Humibid CS® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- Humibid DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- Iophen DM-NR® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- ULartus® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phelyephrine)§
- I-Lohist-DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)§
- I-LoHist-PEB-DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-LoHist-PSB-DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Pseudoephedrine)
- I-Lortuss DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, i-Doxylamine, i-Pseudoephedrine)
- I-Maxichlor® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)¶
- UMaxiphen ADT® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- UMaxi-Tuss DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- Imedenti DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- UMintuss DR® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Mucinex Khwehlela Izingane® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- UMucinex DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- UMuno Fen DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- I-MyHist DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
- UMyphetane Dx® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Mytussin DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)¶
- INaldecon DX® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)¶
- I-Nasohist DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
- Neo DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- I-NoHist-DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
- UNorel DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Nortuss EX® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- I-PediaCare Children's Cough nokucinana® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- IPediaCare Children's Fever Reducer Plus Cough kanye neRunny Nose® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan)
- I-PediaCare Children's Fever Reducer Plus Cough kanye ne-Sore Throat® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan)
- IPediaCare Children's Fever Reducer Plus Flu® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-PediaCare Children's Fever Reducer Plus Multi-Symptom Cold® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-PediaCare Children's Multi-Symptom Cold Ebandayo® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, iPhenylephrine)
- UPediahist DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin, i-Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Phenydex® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pyrilamine)§
- I-Poly Hist DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
- I-Polytan DM® (equkethe i-Dexbrompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine, i-Pyrilamine)§
- IPoly-Tussin DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)
- I-Prolex DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- Uthembisa i-DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, i-Promethazine)
- I-Promethazine DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, i-Promethazine)
- IPyril DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
- I-Q-BID DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- I-Q-Tussin DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- I-Quartuss® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Quartuss DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- I-RemeHist DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
- I-RemeTussin DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- Lungisa kabusha i-DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- Ukuphendula® (iqukethe iDexchlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine, i-Pyrilamine)¶
- URobitussin Khwehlela kanye ne-Chest DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- URobitussin Khwehlela neCold CF® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- URobitussin Khwehlela noCold Long-Acting® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
- Isikhathi Sasebusuku saseRobitussin Isikhwehlela, Umkhuhlane Nomkhuhlane® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-Rondamine DM® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, iPseudoephedrine)§
- IRondec DM® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, iPseudoephedrine)§
- URu-Tuss DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- IScot-Tussin DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
- IScot-Tussin Senior® (equkethe iGuaifenesin, Dextromethorphan)
- ISildec PE DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- ISiltussin DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- Simuc DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- ISinutuss DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Sonahist DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- Isitatimende se-DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- Kushubile PE Cold / Khwehlela® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-PE Day / Night Cold Ebandisiwe® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Diphenhydramine, i-Guaifenesin, i-Phenylephrine)
- ISudatex DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Tenar DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Theraflu Cold neCough® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, Pheniramine, Phenylephrine)
- I-Theraflu Emini Kubanda Okukhulu Nokukhwehlela® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-Theraflu Max-D Kubanda Okunamandla Nomkhuhlane® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin, i-Pseudoephedrine)
- I-Touro CC® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Touro DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- I-Triaminic Cough kanye ne-Sro Throat® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan)
- Isikhathi Sosuku LweTriaminic Kuyabanda Nokukhwehlela® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, iPhenylephrine)
- Isikhohlela Eside Esisebenza Nge-Triaminic® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan)
- Umkhuhlane We-Triaminic Multi-Syndrome® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan)
- UTrikof D® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Triplex DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
- I-Trispec DMX® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- I-Trispec PSE® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- I-Trital DM® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine)§
- UTrituss® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Tusdec DM® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)§
- Umsele® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin)§
- I-Tussafed EX® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Tussafed LA® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- Tussi Pres® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- Tussidex® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- I-Tussin CF® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- I-Tussin DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- Isikhathi sasemini seTylenol Cold and Cough® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan)
- Isikhathi sasebusuku seTylenol Cold and Cough® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Doxylamine)
- I-Tylenol Cold ne-Flu Kakhulu® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin, i-Phenylephrine)
- Isikhathi sasebusuku seTylenol Cold Multi-Symptom® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- I-Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Enzima® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin, i-Phenylephrine)
- IVicks Children's NyQuil Cold noMkhuhlane® (equkethe iChlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
- Ukukhululeka Kwe-Vicks DayQuil Cold ne-Flu® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- IVicks DayQuil Cold and Flu Syndromeom Relief Kanye noVitamin C® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- IVicks DayQuil Mucus Control DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- IVicks Formula 44 Custom Care Chesty Cough® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)
- IVicks Formula 44 Ukuminyana Kwokunakekelwa Ngokwezifiso® (equkethe iDextromethorphan, iPhenylephrine)
- IVicks Formula 44 Custom Care Cough kanye neCold PM® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Chlorpheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan)
- Ukukhululeka Kwe-Vicks NyQuil Cold ne-Flu® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Doxylamine)
- I-Vicks NyQuil Cold ne-Flu Syndromeom Relief Kanye ne-Vitamin C® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Doxylamine)
- IVicks NyQuil Khwehlela® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, i-Doxylamine)
- I-Viratan DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
- IViravan DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Phenylephrine, Pyrilamine)§
- IViravan PDM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Pseudoephedrine, Pyrilamine)§
- Y-Cof DMX® (equkethe i-Brompheniramine, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Phenylephrine)
- Z-Cof DM® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Pseudoephedrine)§
- Z-Cof LA® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin)§
- Z-Dex® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)
- I-Zicam Multi-Symptom Cold kanye neFlu Daytime® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Guaifenesin)
- Isikhathi sasebusuku seZicam Multi-Symptom Cold neFlu® (equkethe i-Acetaminophen, i-Dextromethorphan, i-Doxylamine)
- Zotex® (equkethe i-Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine)§
- DM
§ Le mikhiqizo okwamanje ayivunyelwe yi-FDA yokuphepha, ukusebenza kahle, kanye nekhwalithi. Umthetho wase-Federal ngokuvamile udinga ukuthi imishanguzo kadokotela e-U.S iboniswe iphephile futhi isebenza kahle ngaphambi kokumaketha. Sicela ubheke iwebhusayithi ye-FDA ukuthola eminye imininingwane ngezidakamizwa ezingagunyaziwe (http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/Transparency/Basics/ucm213030.htm) kanye nenqubo yokuvuma (http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/ResourceForYou / Abathengi/ucm054420.htm).
¶ Lo mkhiqizo onophawu alusekho emakethe. Ezinye izindlela ezijwayelekile zingatholakala.
Kugcine ukubuyekezwa - 02/15/2018